Amazing secret of the first men on the Moon

  What did the astronauts first eat on the Moon? You would think it was a NASA protein bar but it turns out to be bread and wine. This month’s edition of a space magazine tells us what actually happened on landing: “In private (Buzz) Aldrin took out a small cup, some wine, and bread [...]

Unity of Spirit

Acts 18.1-4 (p1114) 1 Corinthians 1.10-17 (p1144) A Naval chaplain I knew well repeatedly told the story of the visitor to the monastery. At evening mealtime, one of the monks stood up and shouted out  87 – to which the holy men laughed and laughed. The visitor was bemused and asked the Abbot what was [...]

Communion – the movie in your mind

Just recently, I made a short animated video to promote St Luke’s. As this has proved popular on the web, I thought I might try my hand at one on communion. But then a question struck me. And it is – what is sacrament of Holy Communion really all about? Well, of course, I would [...]